eBay Inc Integrity Helpline FAQs

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EthicsPoint is a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool operated by a third party company to assist eBay Inc. management and employees to work together to address fraud, abuse, and other misconduct in the workplace, all while cultivating a positive work environment. Navex provides this service for many Fortune 500 companies.

The Integrity Helpline is a user-friendly telephone and web-based resource that our work force, business partners, vendors and others can use to ask questions or report actual or potential violations of the law, eBay’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or other eBay policies. The Integrity Helpline is operated by Navex, an independent third-party that provides Helpline services to many global companies like eBay.

People can ask a question or make a report on the Integrity Helpline by filling out an online form or by making a toll-free telephone call seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, from any location, in multiple languages. The toll-free telephone numbers for your country are located on this website. You do not need an eBay computer or company email address to use this website.

You should contact the Integrity Helpline if you have any questions or concerns about potential violations of the law, our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and other eBay policies.

Please note there are restrictions on the types of categories that can be reported through the Integrity Helpline by employees in the European Union. If the Integrity Helpline cannot accept a question or report about your concern, eBay encourages you to talk with your manager or a higher-level manager in your reporting line, contact an eBay Business Ethics Officer.

If you ask a question or make a report on the Integrity Helpline by telephone, a Navex operator will ask you some questions to gather as much information as possible. You can also log into the website and fill out an online form which is available in multiple languages. If the form is not available in your language, call the toll-free number and interpreters who speak over 48 languages will be able to help you.

When submitting your question or report on the Integrity Helpline, you will create a password and be given a unique report number. The information you provide will be sent to eBay’s Office of Ethics and Compliance for an initial assessment and will then be assigned to an authorized investigator depending on the nature of the report. You can follow-up and check the status of your question or report by simply calling back or logging onto the website with your password and report number.

If you are in any doubt about the best course of action or if you have any question concerning compliance with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, any eBay policy or the law, eBay encourages you to talk with your manager or higher level manager, My HR or a Business Ethics Officer. If you are in doubt about the interpretation or application of any law or regulation, you are encouraged to contact the Legal Department.

Now, if you prefer, you can also use our Integrity Helpline to ask any question you may have about the best course of action in a particular situation or if you have any question concerning or compliance with eBay’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, any eBay policy or the law.

eBay encourages the active detection and prevention of misconduct. If you have reason to believe that any employee or party acting on behalf of eBay – including your manager or any member of senior management - has violated, may violate, or is acting in a manner that appears to violate our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or compliance with the law or eBay policies you are expected to immediately report such activity to at least one of the following resources:

  • The Integrity Helpline,
  • Your manager or a higher-level manager in your reporting line,
  • Any eBay Business Ethics Officer.

If you prefer, you may initially report a violation or potential violation of the law, our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, or other eBay policies to your manager or a higher-level manager in your reporting line.

If you are uncomfortable reporting to management, if you do not know whom to contact, or if you believe your concern has not been satisfactorily addressed, please proceed to submit a report through the Integrity Helpline. With the Integrity Helpline, you can be sure that your issue or question is routed to the proper people. And lastly, all report information is secure and is treated as confidential to the extent reasonably possible.

As stated above, you may report a violation to:

  • The Integrity Helpline
  • Your manager or a higher-level manager in your reporting line, or
  • An eBay Business Ethics Officer.

However, you should continue to discuss workplace policies, procedures or performance management concerns with your manager, HR business partner or MyHR. If you feel uncomfortable doing so, please submit a report using the Integrity Helpline.

Any potential violation of our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, compliance with the law, or other eBay policies that you believe is not being handled appropriately should be reported.

The use of the eBay Integrity Helpline is limited in the European Union. Only eBay employees are permitted to use the eBay Integrity Helpline in EU. If the Integrity Helpline cannot accept a question or report about your concern, eBay encourages you to talk with your manager or a higher-level manager in your reporting line, or a Business Ethics Officer.

Yes. While we encourage you to identify yourself to enhance our ability to gather necessary information, if you are not comfortable providing your name, you can file a report anonymously. Navex has confirmed to us that they do not use any technology to trace online reports or telephone calls, and telephone calls are never recorded. Even if you remain anonymous, you will still create a password and be given a unique report number that you will need to check on the status of your question or report.

You should still make the report. The Integrity Helpline is a resource to ask a question or make a report about a situation that simply may not feel right. By using the Integrity Helpline, you can make sure that your questions get to the right people so that you get the answers that you need. You should never try to investigate or confirm issues themselves as it could compromise the investigation process.

If the possible violation or concern involves a member of the Office of Ethics and Compliance or a Business Ethics Officer, you may report it to any other Business Ethics Officer, who will exclude the identified member from all consideration, investigation and resolution of the issue. You may also report it directly to a C-level executive, the Vice President of eBay Internal Audit, or the eBay Board of Directors.

The ability to openly ask questions or communicate ethics and compliance concerns without fear of retaliation is essential to the success of our Ethics & Compliance program. eBay will not tolerate any retaliation whatsoever against any person for asking questions or raising concerns in good faith. If you feel that you have experienced any form of retaliation as a result of making a report or raising an issue, promptly report it just as you would any other inappropriate behavior.

Reports by regular mail or email are also sent to the eBay Office of Ethics and Compliance and reviewed by a member of the department. The Office of Ethics and Compliance investigatory team has a process in place to appropriately handle all reports. Please provide as much detailed information as possible about your concern, such as names of witnesses, dates, location, and potential victims of the alleged unethical or illegal conduct.

You should still make the report. The Integrity Helpline is a resource to ask a question or make a report about a situation that simply may not feel right. By using the Integrity Helpline, you can make sure that your questions get to the right people so that you get the answers that you need. You should never try to investigate or confirm issues themselves as it could compromise the investigation process.

When you submit a report in the Helpline portal or through the Integrity Helpline phone numbers, you receive a unique user name and are asked to choose a password. You can return to the Integrity Helpline again either by Internet or telephone and access the original report to answer questions or add further information.

All original reports submitted by the internet or telephone can be accessed in the original language via the internet. If you submitted an original report by the telephone in a language other than English, you will only be able to access it via telephone in English. In general, when submitting reports or questions in languages other than English, we suggest you do so by the Internet if you want to access the original report in your local language.

eBay treats each report in a professional and confidential manner consistent with our commitment to investigate the information and our obligation to comply with applicable laws and regulations. After an investigation, the company will update the status of a report when a case has been closed. However, due to confidentiality concerns, we do not report the details of our investigations or any resulting disciplinary action.