The Global Marketplace Index (GMI) measures how online marketplaces like eBay create economic opportunities to empower small business owners. We commissioned Euromonitor International to interview and survey small business owners that sell through any online marketplace. The GMI was developed through in-depth analysis of the results. Read the full report.

Lifestyle Impact

Quantifies how selling through online marketplaces gives small business owners a sense of flexibility or freedom and control or confidence, enhancing their quality of life

Financial Security

Quantifies the sense of financial security small business owners get from selling through online marketplaces

Financial Growth

Quantifies small business owners' income growth since they started selling through marketplaces, and how their sales have grown over the past 12 months

Marketplace Tools

Quantifies the extent to which online marketplaces provide the tools and support small business owners need to be successful

Business Environment

Quantifies survey data and external sharp data points that reflect the economic and regulatory conditions in each country  

Marketplaces such as eBay are succeeding in empowering small business owners by creating economic opportunity while also making a positive impact on their lives and communities. In 2019, Australia, Germany, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States scored above 80 on the Global Marketplace Index, demonstrating that small businesses are greatly empowered by selling through marketplaces. Below is a breakdown of dimension scores, which are equally rated at 20 points, resulting in a maximum score of 100.

Australia Mark Chapman

Mark and his wife Melanie set up Clean and Pure on eBay in 2010 shortly after living in Greece, where Melanie treated her eczema with natural and local products. After moving back to Queensland, they were unable to find the same ingredients and saw an opportunity to come up with their own fix.

They started creating their own skincare products using natural and unprocessed ingredients, with their popular lip balms containing six or fewer components.

With 70% of his total sales coming from eBay and other online channels, Mark credits eBay for growing his business and making it as successful as it is today.

"eBay has been fundamental to our business success. Not only is it a user-friendly platform, ideal for small businesses, but its unrivaled reach has enabled us to really get our products and brand out there."

Clean and Pure now sells a lip balm every minute and has made more than $1 million AUD in sales on eBay to date, with the company exporting to eight countries.

Mark and Melanie Chapman were not interviewed or surveyed by Euromonitor International and are not included in the research data.

United Kingdom Jade Oliver

While studying law at university in Bristol, Jade Oliver decided to turn to eBay to sell refurbished and re-upholstered furniture to help fund her student loan.

When Jade graduated, she landed a training contract at a law firm in Bristol where she became a qualified Corporate Lawyer. Alongside her demanding full-time job, Jade continued to grow her furniture and homeware business in her spare time — Heavenly Homes and Gardens.

Three years ago, after 10 years in law, Jade decided to leave her career and run her home interiors business full time.

Within nine months she had increased her eBay turnover by 300% with the help and support of family and friends. Her auntie acted as her stock room assistant and her younger brother helped with shipping deliveries.

By turning her back on writing contracts and corporate life, Jade now sells her products to high profile fashion designers and her products have even made an appearance on the Netflix Original TV drama The Crown as well as Game of Thrones. In her second year, she turned over more than £100,000 GBP.

In September 2019, the success of Jade’s eBay shop meant that she was able to open her own bricks and mortar store in Ross-on-Wye.

Jade Oliver was not interviewed or surveyed by Euromonitor International and is not included in the research data.

South Korea Cho Chung-Kyung

Before starting his offline operation Namdosumi in 2012, Cho Chung-kyung had worked as a marketing manager for a publishing company for 16 years. As his store gained popularity and he realized that ordering food online was no barrier to sales, he decided to launch on eBay Korea’s platforms Gmarket and Auction.

“Joining the eBay marketplace is the best way to overcome the limitations and current stagnation of the traditional marketplace. An offline store has minimum exposure due to regional limitations, yet there are no barriers for my ecommerce business. As demonstrated by my Namdosumi store, eBay Korea is empowering people and enabling small businesses to trade at a previously unprecedented rate.”

Cho Chung-Kyung was not interviewed or surveyed by Euromonitor International and is not included in the research data.

United States Clara Jeanne LaCelle

In 2002, when California resident Clara Jeanne LaCelle was left with makeup products worth several thousands of dollars after a failed business attempt, a friend recommended eBay to her as another potential marketplace to sell her inventory.

Clara grew her small business online over the years, using the same grit, resilience and resourcefulness she had while growing up in foster care. Through her business, she was able to support her four children through college — completely debt-free.

"Our four children were all born in a three-year period, and before we could blink, we had four children in college,” she said. “We suddenly needed a new source of income. eBay became our solution. I cannot imagine another career where we would have been able to increase our income so rapidly."

Clara also is committed toward giving back and supporting charities through her small business. She has donated over $150,000 USD to girls in the foster care system and provides training for them on life and business skills to thrive.

Clara Jeanne LaCelle was not interviewed or surveyed by Euromonitor International and is not included in the research data.

Germany Ali Rezazedeh

Ali came to Germany in 2001 as an Iranian refugee. While supporting his family with temporary work, he had the idea to repair and sell sewing machines on eBay. In 2010, he turned his hobby into an online business. It soon became the main source of income for Rezazadeh and his family.

"I found a market niche that I could fill perfectly with my skills. Right from the start, eBay was the platform that enabled me to take my first steps towards independence. I owe my current business model to eBay. Without this platform I would not be where I am today."

Ali sells its sewing machines and all accessories through two eBay shops, sewing machine mechanic and sewing machine needle. "In my two eBay shops, the customer gets everything you need for sewing, no matter whether you use professional or hobby tailor," he explained.

Born in Iran, he now even ships his goods worldwide. About 8-10% of his total sales are sent abroad. Around 60 percent of these are destined for the European market. In 2013, the seller from Norderstedt near Hamburg decided to open up a brick and mortar store with an integrated workshop.

The secret of his success? Easy accessibility for his customers. True to his motto "Change is the only constant," Ali is currently working on the expansion of his store. His next goal is to expand his product range to include industrial sewing machines.

Ali Rezazedeh was not interviewed or surveyed by Euromonitor International and is not included in the research data.

Read Our 2019 Report

Download the country reports for:  United States  |  United Kingdom  |  Germany  |  Australia  |  South Korea