Boardwalk Numismatics

Middletown, Connecticut
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For Justin Meunier, coin collecting was a long-time hobby and part-time business. Today, the company sells unique and rare coins to buyers all around the world.

For Justin Meunier, coin collecting was a long-time hobby and part-time business. Today, the company sells unique and rare coins to buyers all around the world.

“Selling on eBay has contributed to my success in many ways. Most of all, it allows me to turn my work ethic into a business that rewards me for the hours I put into it.” – Justin Meunier
For Justin Meunier, coin collecting was a long-time hobby and part-time business. During college, he ran a coin-collecting business on the side to make some extra spending money. When he didn’t have enough to pay his tuition one semester, he gave himself a crash course in eBay and sold off his personal coin collection. The funds covered his education – and a future career. After graduation, he decided to pursue his passion full-time, and in 2014, Boardwalk Numismatics was born. Today, the company sells unique and rare coins to buyers all around the world. What was once a hobby and part-time business has become a full-fledged success, one coin at a time. 

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