Io Vivo In Italia

Sansepolcro, Italy
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Based in Italy, Ottavia runs a thriving souvenir business online.

Based in Italy, Ottavia runs a thriving souvenir business online.

In 2009, while Ottavia was working full time in sales, she decided to open two souvenir shops with her husband and sister-in-law. They started selling t-shirts, hats and toys branded with their distinctive wild boar logo, an animal that is widely found in their region of Italy. The shops had so much success that Ottavia quit her job in 2015 to run the business full time and brought the business online with eBay. Ottavia even took part in a course organized by eBay and Confcommercio (the Italian General Confederation of Companies) to learn more about managing an online business.

For Ottavia, eBay is simple to use, efficient and gives her flexibility and independence. She has two young children and now can easily work from home to take care of them while running the business full-time. Ottavia aims to expand both her online sales and physical storefronts in the future.