UPDATED: 5 Minutes With... Jim Griffith

Richard Brewer-Hay

Who am I kidding? I’m pretty sure anyone that is a part of the eBay community already knows the ins and outs of Jim “Griff” Griffith. But, like I said last week, I want to profile any and all employees that I can and Griff was available and willing to answer the questions at short notice.

Griff on eBay Radio

I managed to jump into his studio earlier today to take the above photo while he was recording the latest edition of eBay Radio. So, without further ado, here is “5 Minutes With… Griff”.

Full Name: Jim Griffith
Nickname: Griff
Official Title (s) : Dean of eBay Education (love that one too much to retire it) & Sr. Manager, Seller Advocacy
What You Really Do: Host eBay Radio and Town Hall, and in general, listen to sellers, provide answers to their questions, and take their concerns to the big eBay table.
**Your First Day at eBay (date): As a member? May 10th, 1996. As an employee? First week in November, 1996.
Education/Schooling: Made it through one year of study (piano and composition) at Berklee School of Music in 1972 and dropped out at the end of the year to join a rock band. But I was a straight A student up to that point.
Interests: Well… other than all things eBay; ecommerce in general, playing piano, collecting fragrances, my dogs, old houses, antique textiles, photography and old cameras, everything Polaroid, short stories, comedy and comedians.
Favorite Quote: “Nothing is obscene providing it is done in bad taste.” – Russ Meyers
Most memorable eBay Inc. experience: eBay Live 2005 in San Jose.
Most recent eBay purchase/sale: A CD called Turn Out The Stars by Bill Evans Trio
Favorite Albums: Whatever I am immersed in at the moment. Right now, I am acquiring and intently studying the entire Bill Evans discography.
Favorite Movies: Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, Faster Pussy Cat, Kill! Kill! Breakfast at Tiffany’s, anything directed by Douglas Sirk or Fassbinder.
What You Wanted to Be Growing Up: A musician.

Fill in the blanks:
I should have paid more attention yesterday.
I wish that I could recall most of yesterday.
The first thing I do when I get to work is grab a coffee and danish and start answering email.


** My mistake… I missed out the “First day at eBay” answer in my original post. This has since been fixed above. -RBH