5 Minutes with... Ken Goff

Richard Brewer-Hay

For those of you who have been reading Ink since the beginning you know that I’ve been pretty open about my life both in and outside of the office. It has been great to let folks into what goes on here at the company behind the scenes but I wanted to take the opportunity to let Ink readers know more about the people I work with on a day to day basis and what they focus on here at eBay Inc.

Ken Goff, Investor Relations Specialist, eBay Inc.

I decided to ask the same questions to employees at random to see what they come back with.

So, without further ado, I’d like to kick off a new series of conversations called “5 Minutes with…” and our very first conversation is with Ken Goff who sits just a few cubes away from me.

Full Name: Ken Goff
Nickname: Kenny G.
Official Title: Investor Relations Specialist
What You Really Do: Form a two-way bridge between our management and the investment community. This includes reporting company financials on a quarterly basis, coordinating meetings between investors and management, doing logistics and preparation around investor conferences that our executives attend, trying to socialize external analysis and opinions of the company internally, and answering investor questions on the phone. So what I really do: one part excel, one part powerpoint, one part interaction with the outside world.
Your First Day at eBay: June 14, 2007 at eBay Live! in Boston =)
Education/Schooling: I received my masters in international economics and finance from Brandeis International Business School just prior to joining eBay.
Interests: Basketball (I grew up in Connecticut so I’m a big UCONN Huskies fan), other sports like football and baseball, politics, crossword puzzles, good tv (30 Rock, The Office, Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, Seinfeld reruns, etc.) and I tend to like staying out too late on the weekends.
Favorite Quote: “I do everything in moderation… especially moderation.”
Most memorable eBay Inc. experience: Definitely last year when my parents came to the annual shareholders meeting in Chicago that took place during eBay Live! it was great to have them be there in person to see a presentation that I helped create… also my Dad’s a power seller and he was really excited to get the opportunity to talk to John Donahoe after the meeting =)
Most recent eBay purchase/sale: Most recent would be a pair of shoes, but the best purchase is the car I bought a few months back… got a killer deal on eBay Motors!
Favorite Albums: Though they tend to move around a bit, I can narrow it down to my current top five: 40oz to Freedom by Sublime, No Shame by Pepper, Reflection Eternal by Talib Kweli, God Loves Ugly by Atmosphere, and Everything You Need by Slightly Stoopid
Favorite Movies: Big Lebowski, The Usual Suspects, Shawshank Redemption
What You Wanted to Be Growing Up: A comedian

Fill in the blanks:
I should have changed out of my nice pants before taking out the garbage yesterday.
I wish that I could dunk.
The first thing I do when I get to work is add value.


Next time: 5 Minutes With… Jim “Griff” Griffith