
Announcing the 2019 eBay Shine Awards for Small Business

Francesca Hellebrandt, eBay News Team

Calling all sellers to share their success stories for a chance to win $15,000, a VIP trip to eBay Open and an additional $10,000 donation to a nonprofit of their choice.

“Shine is truly a once-in-a-lifetime honor that gives me the platform to grow my small business while working on my cause,” said 2018 Shine Awards Small Business of the Year Winner Cori O’Steen. “Winning the awards gave my charity, Recovery Road Ministries, the needed funds to finally open our doors.”

Struggling to make ends meet as a single mother of two, Cori started her business on eBay in 2003. Sixteen years later, Cori is a proud owner of eBay business UpaknShip, founder of an addiction recovery program supported by selling through eBay for Charity, and last year’s grand prize winner of the Shine Awards. Winning last year’s award gave Cori additional exposure and funds to grow her business and support her charity.

“The outpouring of support we’ve had has been phenomenal,” Cori said. “Between the increased visibility in the community and our winnings, we’ve been able to help many who have fallen to nothing get back on their feet, and help them piece their lives back together.”

Cori’s story exemplifies the passion, dedication and enthusiasm of sellers that make up our global marketplace. This community is made up of entrepreneurs who have transformed budding ideas into established businesses. To celebrate the role our sellers have played in powering our marketplace, we are proud to launch the fourth annual eBay Shine Awards for Small Business. We want to recognize the most inspiring sellers on our platform, and we’re inviting all registered eBay sellers who reside in the US and are at least 18 years of age to apply!

We’re asking our sellers to shine a light on all they’ve accomplished and submit their stories today. Sellers can win $15,000, a VIP trip to eBay Open 2019, support to help them grow their business, and additional rewards like heightened visibility, exclusive access to eBay executives and new community connections. What’s more, eBay for Charity will make a $10,000 donation in the grand prize winner’s name to a nonprofit organization of their choice that supports small business growth and inclusive entrepreneurship.

If a seller’s applied in the past and has yet to be selected, they shouldn’t be discouraged. Everyone’s story evolves, and we would love to hear the next chapter. Every year is a new opportunity to win.

Update: Meet the 2019 Shine Awards Winners

Applications were accepted from April 24 - May 15, 2019, and eBay is now happy to announce its eight inspirational winners. From July 15 - July 25, 2019, visit to watch their videos and read their stories, then cast your vote to name the Small Business of the Year. This seller will be the recipient of the Seller's Choice grand prize award. We will celebrate all of our winners and announce eBay’s Small Business of the Year winner in Las Vegas at this year’s eBay Open, July 23 - 25.