Building A Dream Team

Amy Millington

I’ve always known that our employees have big hearts. I’ve worked with teams of employee volunteers who have built houses for low income families, assembled blankets for patients at a children’s hospital, and served food for the homeless. Employees who volunteer at events like this often tell me how proud they are to work for a company that encourages them to give back.

teamTOPvolunteersblogAs we launch our Team TOP program, I’m so excited by the possibility of what we’ll be able to accomplish as our employees contribute not just with their hearts and their hands, but with their minds as well. From our early feedback, it’s clear that our employees share my sense of enthusiasm for Team TOP. We’ve already heard from employees in nine of our offices spanning six different countries (and three continents)! Our new Team TOP members offer up a wide variety of skills: engineering, finance, language translation and product development are just a handful of the areas of expertise employees shared with us. We also heard from employees at all levels of the company.

While our new Team TOP members come from a diversity of backgrounds, they are united in their passion and interest in helping people. Their talents will help social innovators enable more people around the world to earn a living wage and participate in the global economy. For me, this is the true power of Team TOP. Perhaps one of our employees said it best: “I am convinced that nurturing economic growth through small businesses is one of the greatest benefits to societies around the world,” wrote Liam Garstang, Director of EU Risk Management in Dreilinden. “That is one of the main reasons I joined eBay and am proud to still be here.”

As our competition unfolds and we develop new partnerships, we’ll be matching employees like Liam with the projects and areas of need that our nonprofit partners identify. If the initial response we got for the Team TOP program is any indication, we’ll have some amazing stories to share.