Dog Tags: A Veterans Day story

Richard Brewer-Hay

In England it is called Remembrance Day and in the US it is called Veterans’ Day. It is a day to commemorate the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and of civilians in times of war, specifically since the First World War.

We all have family members and/or friends that have served, or are still serving, their country in some capacity. My Grandpa fought in World War II (my Grandma, for that matter, was in the Women’s Land Army). My father-in-law was a tank driver in the army. His father was a Colonel under General Patton and I’ve had many friends that have fought in more recent conflicts – from the Falklands to the Gulf War.

I saw the following video when I first joined eBay. It’s a sweet, stirring story of how one eBay seller, Frank Sebroski, and a buyer, Gene Kieffer, gave a World War II veteran, Lee Nisperly, a Christmas he would never forget.

To all the men and women who have worn a uniform defending our freedom… making it so I can go home each day and feel safe with my wonderful family, I thank you and I’ll raise a pint in your honor tonight.
