eBay earns #22 ranking on Fast Company's list of top 50 most innovative companies

Richard Brewer-Hay

In a week of rankings and top 50 lists, eBay is ranked #22 for “transforming the mobile marketplace” on Fast Company’s 50 Most Innovative Companies 2011 (a list eBay didn’t even make back in 2010). Another sign of the company’s continued focus on tech and innovation when connecting buyers and sellers.

After what eBay has done over the past 12 months, it’s time to stop thinking of the company just as, well, whatever you’ve been thinking of it as: auction site; Internet stock monster; Meg Whitman launching pad. The new eBay is mobile, mainstream, and fashionable…

…The results have redefined the brand. The company sold almost $2 billion worth of goods via smartphones and tab-lets in 2010, more than double the total sales from 2009.

eBay made the top ten in Mobile coming in second only to Foursquare. Skype also made the list at #4.
