Joining Forces to Help Support an Open Internet

eBay News Team

eBay stands alongside dozens of key technology companies for today’s Net Neutrality “Day of Action.”

Editor’s Note:  This article original appears on eBay’s Main Street blog which addresses key public policy issues

If you have read or watched the news recently you have probably heard the term “Net Neutrality”. This term describes the current rules in place to ensure that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) treat all content equally and do not block, slow or otherwise discriminate against user access to web content. These rules were enacted to encourage and protect a free and open Internet.

“Why should I care about Net Neutrality?”

That is a question many have been asking – and the answer is incredibly important:

  • Eliminating Net Neutrality incentivizes ISPs to create Internet “fast lanes” that will go to the highest bidder.
  • This will discourage competition by tilting the playing field in favor of large enterprises that have the resources to outspend smaller competitors. Which means…
  • Internet-enabled small businesses would be among those hit hardest by new fees and tiered services.

The bottom line is that killing Net Neutrality takes control away from the consumer and gives it to a handful of large ISPs who will be free to cut deals that steer Internet traffic to preferred websites and apps. This move will stifle innovation and disproportionately affect the consumers and Internet-enabled small businesses who can least afford it.

This is why eBay has joined a large group of organizations – including many of the world’s most prominent technology companies – who are encouraging all supporters of an Open Internet to join today’s Net Neutrality “July 12th Day of Action”. We have partnered with the Internet Association to bring you this great educational website with links to the proper FCC comment form. We encourage you to join this effort, learn more about this important issue, and tell the FCC to keep Net Neutrality alive and in place.