eBay Sales Data Reveals Top Fitness Trends Around the U.S.

eBay News Team

Taking a look at athletic gear sales in order to identify the hottest fitness fads that are trending around the U.S.

Out of all the resolutions we vow to keep in the new year, getting in shape is usually at the top of the list. However, the sad truth is that most of us give in – or give up entirely –by mid-January. Perhaps the overcrowded gym has gotten to you, maybe the weather outside is prohibiting those early morning runs you promised yourself. Or maybe you just need some inspiration to switch up your workout routine and challenge yourself to try something new. 

Fortunately, eBay sales data is able to give shoppers an inside look at the coolest and most surprising of-the-moment cultural trends based on purchases around the globe. “At eBay, we’re always looking to see how our data can help predict the trends that people are most interested in at any given time,” said eBay’s Vice President of Customer Optimization and Data, Zoher Karu. According to Jill Ramsey, VP of Merchandising, Soft Goods at eBay, “Around the beginning of this year, Nike, Adidas, Lululemon, Under Armour and Athleta were some of the most popular fitness apparel brands being shopped on eBay*.”

To give you some extra inspiration to keep your resolution-related momentum going, we took a close look at athleisure and athletic gear sales in order to identify the hottest fitness fads that are trending around the U.S.*:

  • In the Northwest, good old running is taking off, with people lacing up their new sneakers and hitting the pavement. Sales of running shoes, treadmills and Fitbits were some of the most popular items purchased in the region.
  • In the Southwest, shoppers are finding their zen (perhaps with the help of an app). Sales for Apple Watches, yoga balls and yoga mats were off the charts.
  • Meanwhile, Midwesterners are fueling their indoor workouts with music (and keeping hydrated!) as evidenced by sales for armbands, water bottles and treadmills.
  • In the Southeast, strength training is all the rage with shoppers scooping up resistance bands and foam rollers to get in shape. 
  • Northeasterners aren’t letting the cold winter weather compromise their daily workouts – shoppers are buying running tights, running shoes and Jawbone Ups to keep their runs exciting and challenging.

Now that you’ve got some refreshed inspiration to help you tackle your fitness goals in 2016, head to shop eBay’s Fitness Starter Kit featuring a curated selection of must-haves essential to helping you cross the finish line.

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