Notes from the Road: eBay Ink at #CES (photos & video)

Richard Brewer-Hay

Hello to all from Vegas - things are as vibrant and as hectic as ever here at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). I don’t remember it being as big as this 10 years ago but the energy is definitely the same. Despite the big smile on my face above, it’s not all fun and games here while on the road. I’ve been meeting with a number of folks over the past 24 hours and have some great video to share with you all over the coming days.

eBay at CES
On a day in which eBay announced it generated nearly $2 Billion in global mobile sales in 2010 – more than triple the GMV in 2009, it should be pointed out that eBay’s presence at CES is primarily on the mobile side of things. Our booth is a “lounge” in the lobby of the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center and it is all about RedLaser…

RedLaser Booth set-up for CES 2011

The Lounge is set up for demos of our barcode scanning tools and the integration of RedLaser with eBay Mobile. It is great to see so much RedLaser activity happening at the show. Even the coffee cup sleeves from Starbucks have QR Codes on them for use with the RedLaser technology…


The RedLaser SCANenger Hunt
An interesting promotional activity to attract more attendees into the booth for demos and education is the RedLaser “SCANenger Hunt” that invites attendees to download the RedLaser app onto their mobile phone and then scan special QR codes located throughout the three main convention halls as they follow a QR Code scavenger hunt. Upon the successful completion of the hunt, attendees are then entered to win a free Apple MacBook Air.

It took me approximately 60 minutes to complete the hunt (there are 5 clues along the way) but I think 30-40 minutes is a more realistic timeframe given that I kept stopping to say hi to folks along the way.

The PepCom Digital Experience Demos
Last night was the annual Pepcom Digital Experience. Held each January on the evening before CES opens, Digital Experience! showcases the latest innovations in consumer electronics and computers. eBay Mobile was on-hand to demonstrate a number of its apps including the RedLaser application. Here is some behind the scenes footage from the event…

I’ll keep adding photos to the eBay Ink CES Flickr set.

Chat with you soon.
