
eBay Expo Brings Innovation at Its Finest

eBay News Team

At the 14th annual Innovation Expo, eBay employees pitched numerous applications and tools designed to enhance the customer experience.

Innovation sits at the very core of eBay’s DNA. For our Innovations Program, this holds particularly true. In the last six months, teams of employees from across the globe have been ideating ways to redefine what it means to sell and shop on eBay’s platforms.

Last week, these teams came together for the 14th annual Innovation Expo in San Jose to pitch numerous applications and tools to eBay employees and executives. The teams presented their projects this summer at Hack Week, beating out 1,600 other inventors to present at Expo. These projects spanned several areas of interest, including buyer experience, marketing, retail standards, platform, payments, risk and seller experience.

CEO Devin Wenig kicked off the event by saying, “This is one of my favorite meetings of the year. One, because it makes me impressed with our talent. And two, because so many of these projects will end up live on our site.”

Cutting-edge technologies like AI, AR, computer vision and blockchain were represented among the 47 projects on the Expo floor. Other categories spanned voice search, trends, payment solutions, accessibility and global impact.

“Every year, we are increasingly impressed by the quantity and quality of submissions,” said Innovation Program Manager Nousheen Eslambolchi. “This expo serves as the perfect opportunity to inspire our employees to tackle the projects they are most passionate about.”

By cultivating fresh ideas and pushing boundaries, eBay’s Innovations Program continues to promote collaboration and inventiveness across the organization.

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