Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Our 2020 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report

Jamie Iannone, President & CEO, eBay

Hear from eBay President and CEO Jamie Iannone on our 2020 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report.

Editor's note: Today, we published our annual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion report and website. Read more from eBay President and CEO Jamie Iannone.

2020 was a year like no other. Set against the backdrop of a global pandemic, significant loss of life and renewed calls for social justice for the Black community, we saw many difficult and important topics brought to light. Small businesses faced closures, and existing social disparities were heightened; COVID-19 had a disproportionate impact on the wellbeing and economic stability of Black, Hispanic/Latinx and other ethnic minority communities; members of the Asian/Pacific Islander community were increasingly targeted with violence; and working mothers withdrew from the workforce in record numbers. These are real and troubling facts. 

Yet even in the face of tremendous global challenges, our communities came together and found a way forward — reflecting, supporting and taking action. Sellers and buyers connected over items purchased for both joy and necessity, fueling livelihoods on our marketplace. Our employees, most working remotely and unable to connect in familiar ways, adapted. We leaned into learning moments at difficult times when people were hurting, and we also found new ways to celebrate cultural moments. And we mobilized resources to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to communities in need. 

In this report, we share what we’ve done — and where we’re headed. We’ll reflect on what’s worked and where we need to do things differently. Above all, we remain committed to becoming a richly diverse, truly equitable and fearlessly inclusive place to work, grow, buy and sell. 

At eBay, we empower people and create economic opportunity for all. Our purpose inspires and pushes us to be the best versions of ourselves — equity, respect and unity are integral to who we are. 

We look forward to continuing our DE&I journey together.

Jamie Iannone