Retail's Big Play: The Connected Consumer

eBay Inc. Staff

 The following is excerpted from a recent LinkedIn post by eBay President and CEO Designee Devin Wenig:

I see the future of commerce unfolding every day. 

This past week, an eBay customer bought a 2012 Bugatti Veyron supercar for $1.9 million from an iPhone. Another customer bought a 2014 Lamborghini Aventador for $489,500, also on a smartphone. A Rolex watch was bought on an iPad, most likely while the customer was browsing on a couch in the evening – a time when we see shopping from tablets spike.

This type of mobile commerce was unimaginable just a few short years ago. We are in the era of connected consumers, and they are shaping the future of commerce.

Connected consumers are seamless shoppers, moving easily across screens and from online to offline experiences. For example, millions of people shop our core eBay site every day, finding what they want from a seller down the street, or a merchant halfway around the world. And, increasingly, these shoppers may choose to pick up their items in a local store (where they may shop some more) rather than have them shipped to their doors for free.

To continue reading, follow this link to the original LinkedIn article.