Shop Oprah’s Closet on eBay and Own a Piece of Pop Culture History

Jennifer O'Connell, eBay News Team

Your chance to bag iconic pieces from the wardrobe of one of the world's most influential women

From today, you can own your own piece of pop culture history. Oprah Winfrey is selling more than 200 items of clothing, shoes and accessories, culled from the closet of The Oprah Winfrey Show, on eBay from now until March 10.

Items attracting the most interest include Chanel, Alexander McQueen and Manolo Blahnik

Included in the sale are high-end designer items worn by the presenter either on the cover of her magazine, O, or during episodes of her show. Some of the items attracting the most pre-sale interest include clothing, shoes and handbags by Chanel, Alexander McQueen, Celine, Dolce and Gabbana and Manolo Blahnik.

Oprah Chanel jacket

A Chanel jacket worn during The Oprah Winfrey Show

Fans will have fun spotting some of the more iconic items from unforgettable TV moments -- such the Stetson cowboy hat she wore in 2009 during an episode of Oprah and Gayle's New Adventure: The Biggest State Fair in America.

 Oprah Stetson Hat v2

The famous stetson, worn in 2009

Oprah told eBay she was cleaning out her closet for Spring. “Over time and with the new season, your taste tends to change,” she said.

My taste has evolved from intense color, embellishments and heels

“My taste has evolved from intense color, embellishments and heels to flats and a more subdued color palette. What I’m giving away will be put to good use by someone else.”

Proceeds from the sale will benefit The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation, supporting the education and development of a new generation of women leaders in South Africa.

Head to today to browse, bid and buy. If you’re inspired by Oprah’s Springtime closet cleanout, you can sell on eBay, either by listing directly on, via our mobile apps, or through our professional selling service, eBay Valet. eBay also makes it easy to support your favorite charity by donating a portion of your sales.