
These Sellers Built a Successful, Family-Owned Luxury Business on eBay

Rachel Chen, eBay News Team

This International Family Day, Susy and Demo Dritsas share the story behind their family-run eBay store, Lux Addicts.

Susy and Demo Dritsas first launched Lux Addicts on eBay in 2008, inspired by Susy’s interest in luxury handbags and accessories. Since then, their business has grown not just in size, but also in clients, inventory and confidence as they have established themselves as a premier dealer of luxury handbags and accessories.

As a stay-at-home mom looking to bring in some extra revenue to support her family, Susy started out as a personal shopper, tasked with finding the perfect handbags for her clients. She quickly fell in love with the thrill of the chase and decided to turn her passion into an online business of her own. 

“I would be up early in the morning, searching for new inventory or the latest trending styles,” said Susy. “My clients trust me as someone who knows their tastes well and will work hard to find their dream handbags, and it became clear that we could build a business from those relationships.” 

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Nurturing client relationships is where her husband Demo comes in. Although the Miami-based couple often travel together, flying around the world to meet their clients and industry partners face-to-face, Demo takes on the responsibility of building relationships with new and existing customers, while Susy handles their store inventory. 

“People are shocked sometimes,” Demo admitted. “I think they’re expecting to meet a woman, and then they see a man and get a little bit hesitant, like, ‘Does this guy actually know what he’s doing?’ But I’m thankful to have learned from my wife — now, I know the colors and leathers inside out, and I know exactly what to look for to determine the authenticity of a bag.”

That close collaboration and shared expertise is one of the benefits the Dritsas have enjoyed as partners in both business and marriage. 

“It helps to have two sets of eyes verifying every handbag,” Demo said. “Our number one priority is to offer top-tier service and confidence to our client, so every item is hand-curated in-house and goes through an intensive authentication process.” 

At the same time, they’re careful about setting clear boundaries in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Lux Addicts is based out of an office space in Miami, where Susy and Demo showcase items and arrange in-person pickups. When working from home, they keep a designated workspace and only check work emails during working hours in order to prioritize quality time as a family. 

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Family has been and continues to be foundational to Lux Addicts. Looking back, Susy attributes her entrepreneurial spirit to her mom and grandmother. 

“They were both fearless and did everything in their power to provide for their children,” she said. “When we were facing hard times, that was my driving force. Seeing their strength and determination made me realize that I, too, could achieve anything I set my mind to.”

And for the future, the Dritsas are introducing their children to the world of business as well, with their eldest daughter getting involved in managing their social media presence to learn more about marketing. 

“The girls are already tech-savvy, so it’s a perfect fit,” they said. “We’re excited to see how much they’ll learn and grow from this experience.”

In an industry dominated by global brands and luxury corporations, Lux Addicts’ unique approach as a family-run business committed to authenticity, transparency, fair market price and customer satisfaction sets them apart, making them the go-to destination for luxury handbag lovers and collectors. The Dritsas are hopeful that other families might also be inspired to pursue entrepreneurship together on eBay. 

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support from the eBay community,” said Susy. “Communication and delegating tasks are key to running a successful business with a partner or family members, but overall, starting a business on eBay can be a great opportunity for couples or families.”