We are eBay. We are Paris.

eBay News Team

We stand in solidarity with our Parisian employees, residents, and our community of buyers and sellers.

Our hearts go out to all of the people of Paris following the tragic attacks in the French city yesterday, which left at least 127 people dead.

We have done a check of our employees in the city, and we are thankful to report that all eBay colleagues in Paris, along with their families, have been declared safe.

Our CEO Devin Wenig reached out to our colleagues in the city and also tweeted the message below.

eBay Marketplaces EMEA SVP Paul Todd Paul Todd, expressed his sadness at the attacks, saying: “All our thoughts are with the families and friends of those involved in the tragic attacks in Paris yesterday.”

We stand with our Parisian employees, residents and our community of buyers and sellers.

It is inspiring to see how the world has banded together in the aftermath of the horror. Countries around the world are expressing solidarity to the residents of Paris, and while the Eiffel Tower went dark, landmarks and monuments around the world were lit up in blue, red and white -- the colors of the French flag.

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We are seeing hashtags #strandedinUS and #PorteOuverte trending on Twitter. These are being used by residents in US, France, Canada and other countries to open up their homes to strangers stranded in various cities as France closes its border for security reasons.