
eBay Collections allows shoppers to hand-pick and personalise the way they shop, share and browse online

Press Release

eBay has today announced a suite of new features created to offer a more personalised and inspiring shopping experience. It’s called eBay Collections and it enables people to curate and group items together on eBay, to create visual stories in a way that is not only inspiring and engaging but instantly shoppable.

eBay Collections enables consumers to bring their passions to life, and sellers to inspire new connections and attract a loyal following. Whether you are inspired by travelling, home décor, fashion trends, the latest technology or even a favourite colour, eBay Collections allows you to hand-pick products and organise them into themes to shop, share, store and re-visit whenever retail inspiration strikes. It’s like a 100% shoppable mood board.

Collections is designed to enhance the browsing, discovery and shopping experience on eBay. Shoppers can personalise their eBay experience by following expert curators, buyers and sellers across the community. With another click consumers and retailers can also share their Collections via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and email.

But it’s not just buyers who will love the new shopping experience, as now sellers will be able to take advantage of new re-vamped stores as well as create a personalised profile allowing their customers to follow them and discover new products. Collections is already being used by retailers of all sizes to reach new audiences and provide inspired shopping experiences for their customers.

Tasman Page, Digital Marketing and Insights Manager for Dick Smith comments: “We’re really excited about eBay Collections; it’s allowing us to connect with our shoppers in a whole new way.  Customers have always loved our catalogues, and Collections allows us to bring that into the online space in a really personal and engaging way. A normal catalogue might take months to create and plan, but an eBay Collection can be made in a few minutes online, meaning we can really respond to the latest trends and what’s popular right now.”

General Pants Design Director, Pip Edwards, commented, “Normally when you create a mood board online you’re grabbing images from different places and you have no idea how to actually find and buy the pieces once you’ve finished. But with eBay Collections, the products you pick are actually shoppable so it’s all accessible, making that wish list 100% possible.”

Another change to the site is the introduction of a dedicated collections homepage which has been designed to offer a much more inspired shopping experience. Visitors to the page will discover curated collections from our in-house curators as well as trending collections from retailers of all sizes, and buyers throughout the community.

Jo Hicks, eBay Australia Head of Strategy and Customer Programs, said “Collections is the biggest change we have ever made to the shopping experience here in Australia. We are listening and responding to the needs and wants of the evolving consumer who is demanding an experience that is both fun and functional”.

”At eBay we are focused on turbo charging our retail partners’ online presence. The introduction of Collections, coupled with the ability to follow people and stores helps sellers to create new connections with buyers. They can therefore build a profile and a following to expand their relevancy, boost loyalty and grow their business.”

To find out more about Collections and to discover how you can get started today go to