
eBay Launches Innovation Lab To Explore The Technology Of The Future

Press Release

Participants’ reactions to robots, holograms, drones and virtual reality will help predict what life will look like in 2016 and beyond.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 25 SEPTEMBER 2015 – eBay has today announced a new research project called the eBay Innovation Lab, which will give consumers the opportunity to explore the emerging technologies predicted to play a central role in our lives in 2016 and beyond.

Inside the eBay Innovation Lab, participants’ reactions to new technology such as holograms, robots, virtual reality and 3D printing will be tracked via gaze monitoring, dwell time and mobile questionnaires.  The data will be analysed to predict rates of adoption across Australia, determining what will and won’t be welcomed into our homes in the future.

Steve Brennen, eBay Senior Director of Marketing and Retail Innovation said; “eBay turned 20 this year, and we know better than most how quickly the pace of change and innovation is increasing.

When we started at eBay there was no such thing as a smart phone, but just last year more than $28 billion worth of goods were sold via mobile on eBay globally. Emerging technologies open us up to new worlds of inspiration and experience, and the eBay Innovation Lab is a great opportunity to experience the future first hand.

We know that you need to actually experience technology to understand what its impact on your life could be. The Fitbit was one of the top selling gifts on eBay last Christmas, but if you’d asked people 12 months before if they wanted to count their steps – they’d have said ‘no way!”

eBay is working with futurist Chris Riddell who specialises in emerging digital trends to analyse the data collected within the Innovation Lab. Chris said: “In 2013, 3D TVs were predicted to take-over the home viewing experience but consumers swiftly turned their back on the much hyped tech. There are a number of questions left to be answered around new technology - ‘will we embrace drones as pets? Will 3D printing take personalisation to an unrecognisable level?’

We will be measuring what people think and feel around the technology earmarked to enter Australians’ lives in the coming years in order to provide insights and analysis into what Australians can really expect from the future.”

From 8am – 6pm Friday 25th and 10am - 6pm Saturday 26thSeptember by the IMAX in Darling Harbour, eBay’s Innovation Lab will provide consumers with a chance to get hands on with emerging technologies, measuring responses to virtual reality, 3D printing and robotics.

Brennen added “Australia’s appetite for technology is insatiable, and we expect the results from the Innovation Lab to confirm that our love affair with the cutting edge is far from over.”

Products within the Innovation Lab:

  • WowWee MIP
  • MOSS Modrobotics
  • 3Doodler
  • 3D Body Scanner / Printer
  • Bublcam
  • Self-Balancing Board
  • Samsung Gear VR
  • Holho
  • Double by Double Robot

Consumers can head down to the eBay Innovation Lab to experience the best of brand new and emerging technologies.

To catch a glimpse of the latest and greatest technology on eBay visit our eBay Innovation Lab Collection




For media enquiries, contact Pulse Communications:

Megan English, Communications Manager eBay Australia
T: 02 8288 0057 | E:

Lexi Penfold, Pulse Communications
T: 0426 886 455 | E:

Sally Crampton, Pulse Communications
T: 0431 004 586 | E:


About eBay Marketplaces

eBay is one of the world’s largest online marketplaces, connecting people with the things they need and love virtually anytime, anywhere. eBay has 157 million active buyers globally and more than 800 million live individual and merchant listings at any given time. With mobile apps available in 190 countries, eBay delivers a personalized shopping experience and seamless access to inventory from down the street and around the world. Tailored shopping experiences customize buying and selling; and eBay provides variety and choice for sellers by enabling them to offer goods through online, mobile and local channels to consumers around the world. For more information, visit

Notes to Editors:

eBay’s Innovation Lab has been created in partnership between Pulse Communications (creative and brand communications lead) and Traffik experiential marketing agency.

Product and technical support has been provided by Samsung Electronics AustraliaBlueCats iBeacon® and 3D Printing Studios.