
Brits splash out on a smartphone upgrade just to make them look good

As the UK eagerly awaits the latest iPhone, research from eBay reveals that a quarter of the nation only upgrade their mobile because they believe it will help them stand out from the crowd



Brits splash out on a smartphone upgrade just to make them look good

As the UK eagerly awaits the latest iPhone, research from eBay reveals that a quarter of the nation only upgrade their mobile because they believe it will help them stand out from the crowd.

London led the charge (38%) admitting that ‘looking good’ is their inspiration for splashing out on a new phone, in comparison to just 4% in Northern Ireland. While the Northern Irish (some would say sensibly) regard ‘updating technology’ as the key reason to upgrade (48%).

The research also found that in a bid to keep up with the times, 66% of the nation would happily choose to shell out on a new smartphone without understanding any of the technical advances.  Over half (52%) of British women admitted to purchasing smartphones without any knowledge of its updated benefits, compared to 29% of British men.

According to the research 68% of us will sell our unwanted phones to subsidise the cost of the upgrade, compared to just a quarter (25%) of Brits who said they prefer to stash them away for an emergency. Over the last fortnight eBay has seen listings of iPhone models almost double as Brits head to the site to sell their old smartphones in order to make room – and extra cash – for the new Apple launches, the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. 

eBay spokesman, Steven Heywood, says; ‘Historically we notice spikes in listings of smartphones ahead of a big smartphone launches. However this time round it seems even more savvy Brits are heading to to get some extra cash from their old models ahead of the release.’



For more information please contact the eBay press office at Shine Communications on: or 020 7100 7100

*Research conducted by One Poll to survey 2,000 people on behalf of eBay, August 2013

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