
Health conscious Brits squeeze and pulse their way to fitness in 2014

Sale of juicers have risen 85% since Christmas on Sales of yoga and pilates equipment has more than doubled (120%) over the last fortnight Sales of motivational, positive attitude books are also up, this time by 45%


  • Sale of juicers have risen 85% since Christmas on
  • Sales of yoga and pilates equipment has more than doubled (120%) over the last fortnight
  • Sales of motivational, positive attitude books are also up, this time by 45%

Statistics released from eBay – one of the world’s largest online marketplaces – reveal that the nation is taking a fresh approach to the New Year detox for 2014. After two weeks of ‘vegging out’, the nation is now getting the veg in, as data shows we are focusing on wellness from within this January. Traditional dieting methods, such as the gym, fitness DVDs and dieting ready meals are being replaced with juicers, motivational books and yoga mats.

Statistics show that it’s not just about physical exercise this January with sales of juicers up 85% since Christmas and sales of juice and smoothie recipe books up 35%. Additionally, sales of positive attitude and motivational books have also risen by 45% over the last fortnight, as we take time to feel our best inside and out for 2014. 

Following in the healthy foot-steps of the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston, the trend of wellbeing, body conditioning exercise is continuing to sweep the nation, with sales of yoga and pilates gear outselling traditional gym equipment two-to-one. Statistics reveal that less of us are faced with the fear of the gym this month, with sales of home exercise equipment up 25% year-on-year on the site. 

eBay spokesperson Laura Wilkinson-Rea says; “Sales show that Brits are taking the New Year detox to a whole new level this January and with over 6,000 listings of juicers and 3,500 yoga mats currently on site, eBay offers healthy Brits the perfect platform to get kitted out for their New Year detox needs.”



For more information please contact the eBay press office at Shine Communications on: or 020 7100 7100

*Images sourced from Instagram, January 2014

eBay delivers one of the world’s largest online marketplaces to customers via any connected device, connecting people with the things they need and love.  Founded in 1995 and opening in the UK in 1999, eBay has almost 19 million unique visitors per a month in the UK and Ireland. Around 70% of listings are for new, fixed-price items and the UK site is home to more than 100 top brands and retailers. 

eBay, Inc. enables commerce by delivering flexible and scalable solutions that foster merchant growth through its eBay Marketplaces, PayPal and eBay Enterprise brands.  For more information visit