eBay Enterprise Unveils New Suite of Commerce Technologies

eBay Inc. Staff

eBay Enterprise, the leading global provider of commerce technologies, omnichannel operations and marketing solutions for the world's premier retailers and brands, introduced its new suite of commerce technologies at its annual Client Summit in New York.

“Retailers and brands understand the importance of having industry-leading capabilities across their entire value chain to support a new retail environment where consumers demand consistent, seamless and personalized experiences anywhere, at any time,” said Chris Saridakis, president of eBay Enterprise. “We’ve been singularly focused on being a strategic growth partner to our clients, and our new suite of modular commerce technologies will give our clients a competitive edge in this rapidly changing retail landscape.”

eBay Enterprise’s new suite of commerce technologies is comprised of two modular components: The Exchange Platform and the Interfaces & Tools module.

The Exchange Platform isan industry-leading set of omnichannel enabling capabilities, services and infrastructure including:

  • Distributed order management
  • Omnichannel inventory management
  • Payment processing
  • Fraud management
  • Advanced reporting

The Exchange Platform is pre-integrated with eBay Enterprise’s portfolio of Marketing Solutions and Omnichannel Operations as well as the eBay Inc. technology portfolio, including Magento, eBay Marketplaces and PayPal. Rapid connections to the broader commerce ecosystem of third party “front-ends,” demand generation or supply chain providers can be achieved through the platform’s flexible integration framework.

The Interfaces & Tools module empowers retailers and brands to build, manage and optimize engaging consumer storefront experiences across all retail interfaces spanning devices, locations, users, geographies and brands. The key enabler is the integrated business user toolset that puts a powerful set of capabilities in the hands of marketers, merchandisers and managers, greatly reducing the traditional dependencies on web developers.

Learn more about the new suite of commerce technologies on eBay Enterprise’s blog, http://www.ebayenterprise.com/commersations/blog/ebay_enterprise_announces_new_suite_of_commerce_technologies/

About eBay Enterprise

eBay Enterprise provides commerce technologies, omnichannel operations and marketing solutions for the world's premier retailers and brands. eBay Enterprise's commerce services, which include technology, order management, payment processing, warehouse and store fulfillment and customer care, are available on a modular basis or as part of an integrated solution. eBay Enterprise's marketing solutions include a suite of performance marketing channels, customer relationship management, marketing analytics and attribution, media mix optimization as well as global digital agency services that provide strategic and creative direction. eBay Enterprise is headquartered in King of Prussia, Pa. and has major service offices in New York, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Spain, and London. More information can be found at ebayenterprise.com. eBay Enterprise is an eBay Inc. (Nasdaq: EBAY) company.