eBay Hosts Screening of LGBT Documentary "Out & Around"

Sebastian Rupley and Adam Kohler, eBay News Team

“We must live the values that we care about,” CEO Devin Wenig said at the San Francisco screening of employee Jenni Chang’s documentary film Out & Around.

Out and Around is a documentary which tells the story of Jennifer Chang, eBay's Director of Geo Customer Solutions & Insights, and her wife. The pair took a year off from their jobs to travel to 15 countries across Asia, Africa, and South America in search of people leading the movement for gay, lesbian, and transgender equality.

“Organizations cannot impose real change by standing around and saying the right things at cocktail parties,” Devin added. “They have to combat inertia by instituting real initiatives and programs.”

Several eBay employees in the audience helped sponsor the creation of the film, and the Castro Theater event was held in partnership with Lesbians Who Tech.

Before the screening of the film, Wenig sat on stage with noted journalist Kara Swisher, and said that while eBay — along with other Silicon Valley companies — has work to do on workforce diversity, they are making progress. He noted, for example, that eBay has  increased the number of women in leadership roles from 15 percent four years ago to 30 percent now.

Jennifer Chang was honored by Fortune Magazine in its special feature story Heroes of the Fortune 500 as a hero and advocate for LGBT rights. Her inspiring movie tells the story of her own family challenges as a member of the LGBT community, and the challenges that activists around the world face.

The Castro Theater screening included on-stage introductions from Leanne Pittsford, Founder and CEO of Lesbians Who Tech, and Kate Kendall, Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

“There are three reasons why I’m here tonight,” Devin said during his fireside chat with Swisher. “Jenni we love you, Jenni we love you, and Jenni we love you.”