eBay Inc. Among 2013 Best Places to Work for Recent Grads

eBay Inc. Staff

On May 14, 2013, eBay Inc. was named one of the “Best Places to Work for Recent Grads,” on a widely followed annual list.  Since 2007, Experience, a ConnectEDU company, has compiled the list of employers from across the United States based on excellence in recruiting, hiring and retaining young professionals.


The winners were selected by comparing employer survey responses to research on what recent grads prioritize when selecting a place to work.  The selection criteria for 2013 included career advancement opportunities, culture, benefits (such as salary and perks), and work/life balance. 

The survey ran from February 2013 through April 2013, garnering responses from over 300 employers from across the country.

This year’s list of the 25 Best Places to Work for Recent Grads includes: Ernst & Young, eBay Inc., Garmin, Hormel, and SapientNitro. The complete list of winners and information about why these companies were selected is available on the ConnectEDU website at www.connectedu.com/best-places-to-work-2013-winners.