eBay Investor Relations Team Wins Award for ‘Most Progress’

Kendall Fields, eBay News Team

The distinction by IR Magazine, recognizes top performers in the investment community.

eBay’s Investor Relations team was honored at a recent awards ceremony in New York, with Selim Freiha, VP of Investor Relations accepting IR Magazine’s award for “Most Progress in IR.”

The award comes after the IR team was transformed in 2015 following eBay’s separation from PayPal and is especially significant, according to Caitlin Macnamee, Senior Manager of Investor Relations, because it recognizes the work the team has been doing in 2016—one full cycle after separation. Over the last year, the team has evolved how it communicates with investors.

“This is a great first step to tell the eBay story but also move along our relationships and the way that we interact with the investment community,” Caitlin said.


Awards are decided by investors and analysts, with over 400 members of the investment community participating in the awards research process, letting IR Magazine know which companies should take top honors. The 2017 awards were presented in March.

IR Magazine is regarded as a global thought leader for investors, analysts and others in the investor relations community. Its regional awards have served as a distinction of excellence and best practice in the IR community for more than 20 years.