eBay Report: Commerce 3.0 for Development

eBay Inc. Staff

Over the last 2 years, eBay has released studies documenting the amazing success of technology-enabled small businesses traders in the USEuropeAustralia, and Asia-Pacific.  Most of this work has looked at small businesses that are located in the developed world.  Our newest report looks at technology-enabled small businesses from across the developing world [Chile, Peru, Ukraine, South Africa, Jordan, India, Indonesia and Thailand].  The findings of the report are impressive:

  1. Over 95% of the small businesses analysed in the study engage in exporting.
  2. Across the eight markets analysed, the average number of international markets that exporters reach is around 30 to 40.
  3. 60-80% of new businesses analysed “survive” their first year. The respective figure for traditional exporters is only around 30-50%.

The findings of the report are particularly notable because they essentially mirror the findings in the work done on technology enabled businesses in the developed world.  The technology-enabled global marketplace truly is flat and it is creating a parallel emerging model for trade.  One where businesses of all sizes are able to trade with consumers around the world.  We call this new model for trade the Global Empowerment Network.

Download the complete report at the eBay Main Street blog.