eBay Russia Emphasizes Personalization with Brand Campaign

eBay Inc. Staff

Over the past 12 months, eBay Russia has rapidly grown its customer base and platform capabilities, and this week a new Russian brand campaign called “The World In Your Hand” is launching. The campaign highlights the personalization, trust and selection that eBay Russia offers, and includes television advertisements with the theme “the world in your hand.”  You can watch one of the advertisements, with English subtitles, here.

 “By means of its improving technologies, eBay has been adjusting to the interests of each buyer,” says Ilya Kretov, marketing director, eBay Russia. “Now, over and over again we’ve been creating personal stores with their particular sets of goods, shop-fronts and recommendations for each buyer.” The eBay Russia platform also now features automated translation capabilities, breaking down language barriers and boosting cross-border trade.

There are now 80 thousand packages shipped daily on eBay Russia. “Over the last year, a major improvement was made in the area of delivering items purchased on eBay from the key regions, i.e. Europe, United States, and China,” added Evgeny Tikhomirov, director of operations, eBay Russia.

“As eBay continues to build its brand in Russia, we are especially emphasizing quality discovery, personalization, selection and building trust,” said Wendy Jones, vice president of CBT and geographical expansion, eBay Marketplaces. “When we started in the Russian market, our customers were primarily people proficient in English and comfortable buying online without using local currency. We’re now expanding our addressable market, which we’ve done by offering a localized site where people can pay using their currency. We’re seeing many new types of active buyers, including younger ones using mobile devices, and offering more personalized experiences.”

As part of the new brand campaign, experts have selected the most popular items for the new season from the wide range of goods presented on the eBay Russia site and visible here.

“We believe that eBay shopping can become a daily routine that makes lives easier for every individual wherever they are, whether they shop from their home, transport, coffee shop, or office. All they have to do is grab their smartphone or computer – and the whole world of shopping is within their reach,” said Vladimir Dolgov, country manager, eBay Russia.