San Jose’s Mayor Announces “eBay Day”

Sebastian Rupley

In honor of our company’s 20th anniversary, Sam Liccardo named Sept. 1 "eBay Day."

In honor of our company’s 20th anniversary, “eBay Day” was officially announced at a City Council Chambers meeting in San Jose this week. Mayor Sam Liccardo presented eBay SVP and Chief Strategy Officer Kris Miller with a plaque to commemorate the occasion, and eBay staff members were on hand as well.

Mayor Liccardo is seen in the photo above, in the dark suit, and Kris Miller is to his left.

“We are here to celebrate eBay’s 20th birthday,” said Liccardo, in an address. “We are thrilled that eBay is thriving as a global online marketplace right here in San Jose. We are also grateful for all the jobs that the company has provided. We really appreciate it.”

“eBay is a company that is very clear about its purpose,” Miller said in her City Council Chambers address. “It empowers people and creates opportunity through Connected Commerce.”

“The company was built on the idea of giving and that is important to us because we believe we should have positive social impact in addition to our impact on commerce.” Miller noted that over the past 20 years, eBay has facilitated hundreds of millions of dollars in charitable donations.

Following the presentation of the commemorative plaque, Mayor Liccardo posed for pictures with Miller and staff from eBay headquarters in San Jose.