Shop Our Big Selection From Small Businesses on eBay

Audrey Tracy

Small businesses are the heart of eBay. This Small Business Saturday we’re celebrating our vibrant community of sellers in a very special way.

The best part of my job is connecting with sellers. Hearing your stories, checking out your businesses, learning about what makes you tick and watching you win keeps me inspired every day.

And it’s not just me. Every employee at eBay understands that this business does not work without our sellers. It’s one of the things that gives us great pride: almost anyone can start a business and grow it on eBay. We enable a marketplace, but it’s you—the small businesses, all 300,000 of you—with your talent, passion, and fearless work ethic that bring this incredible marketplace to life.

The truth is, you’re not just creating a business; you’re creating the life you want for yourself. A life where you’re the boss and you are responsible for your own success. A life where you can work in your pajamas, leave at 3pm for the kid’s soccer game, or work until midnight doing inventory counts. The point is, you’re in charge! And we’re pretty amazed by you. So it’s no surprise we want to show you off to the world.

Earlier this year, we celebrated our incredible eBay small business community with the SHINE Awards. This month, along with American Express, we’re celebrating Small Business Saturday, a grassroots movement to support the backbone of our economy — America’s small businesses.

On November 14 we are launching a dedicated landing page featuring a number of eBay small businesses. Here buyers can shop our amazing selection for that perfect holiday gift, all while learning about and supporting our vibrant seller community. The campaign will peak with heavy marketing to buyers on Small Business Saturday, November 26, and will run through the end of December to finish out the holiday season.

Check out three of our featured sellers. We think these entrepreneurs perfectly represent the ambition, courage and grit that is required to run a successful small business.

Sellers are buyers too, so as you write out your gift list this year, consider shopping from one of our featured sellers or a fellow small business owner on eBay. It feels good to support someone in our community and contribute to their success this holiday season. I’m already making my list!