
eBay partners with Limitless to invite 'expert sellers' to provide online coaching and support to thousands of new businesses

Press Release

●      eBay has partnered with Limitless to invite some of its top ranked sellers to be part of a seller expert team

●      A pilot team of experts is already live, answering queries from other sellers and offering coaching to improve their performance on the marketplace

●      The programme intends to support the thousands of new businesses that joined eBay during lockdown, up 256% on last year, while providing an extra income opportunity for the experts involved


eBay is recruiting some of its top-ranked sellers to support a growing number of business sellers on its platform by providing seller experience support and helping to improve their performance. Using technology from gig customer service platform Limitless, eBay’s expert sellers can provide real-time advice and feedback to other sellers navigating the platform through live chat services.

Already in its pilot phase, the current team of experts are successfully resolving over 500 enquiries per day and responding to seller enquiries within a few minutes. 

eBay started recruiting experts to join the pilot in May, at the height of lockdown when thousands of new businesses were joining the platform. As it continues to be critically important to help sellers navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, Limitless not only offers a brilliant customer experience solution, designed to assist sellers during the listing flow on eBay, but also a lucrative income opportunity for the experts hired.

Potential experts must pass a series of quizzes and training to demonstrate their eBay knowledge. If successful, sellers can begin to answer customer queries and coach new eBay sellers from their home, getting paid for each case they resolve. In just a week, Limitless estimates that sellers could earn enough extra money to pay for a car service and MOT for the year; in six weeks, enough extra money to cover the cost of an average annual household energy bill.

As well as addressing technical concerns, the team of expert sellers are on hand to coach new business sellers on best practice, helping them make the most of the platform.

“I’m incredibly excited about what this partnership means for the sellers on our platform” said Rob Hattrell, VP of eBay UK. “Our sellers want to speak to like-minded individuals that can advise them in real-time, based on their own nuanced and experienced understanding of our platform, and it’s great that we’re now facilitating those conversations.

“It’s also a fantastic opportunity for our experts to earn an additional income, being paid for their extensive knowledge and understanding of eBay.”

Roger Beadle, CEO of Limitless, added: “eBay is joining a growing list of companies who are realising that some of their best customer service comes from customers themselves. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship; customers trust brand experts who use that brand extensively themselves, and our ‘Experts’ can turn their knowledge and experience into some extra income while taking eBay’s customer experience to a whole new level.”

Deborah King, one of the expert sellers, had this to say: “In helping other Sellers with their queries, I find that I am constantly learning and improving my skills, too. The financial benefits are real, but the best thing is receiving genuine thanks from the people that you provide support to. Every question is different, which keeps you on your toes. Just when you think you know all there is to know, a question will pop up that you have to do a bit more research into. It keeps things interesting!”

This programme is currently in its pilot phase. If you’re a top-rated eBay seller and interested in becoming an expert in the future please register your interest here:



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About Limitless

Limitless is a gig customer service platform, combining crowdsourcing and AI to help global businesses address their biggest customer service challenges – rising costs, increasing attrition, variability in demand and the need for diversity. Global brands are using Limitless’ SmartCrowdTM technology to connect with their most engaged customers and reward them for providing on-demand customer service that can flex in line with demand. For more information visit our website at