
eBay reveals this year's Christmas wish - and 'miss' - lists



Socks, ties and lingerie top UK chart as most unwanted gifts this Christmas


1.6 million items listed on eBay on Christmas and Boxing Day last year as disappointed Brits logged on to flog unwanted presents


4 November 2014 – New research, released by eBay today, reveals the items topping Britain’s Christmas wish list this year – as well as those Brits would least like to find under the tree.


Last year, ungrateful Brits logged on to list 1.6 million items on eBay on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and it looks like Britain is in danger of sleepwalking into another disappointing Christmas morning again this year, according to the research.


eBay’s survey of 2,000 people found that as many as four in five of us have no idea what to get friends and family this year, with parents, in-laws and partners singled out as the worst offenders for buying the wrong gift.


An incredible 19,502 pairs of socks, 4,729 ties and 18,693 items of lingerie were listed on eBay in the week after Christmas last year as Brits went online to shift their unwanted presents, and these items top this year’s chart as the gifts Brits would least like to find in their stockings.


We also turned our noses up at calendars and scarves last year. In total, over 2,000 calendars and more than 600 scarves were already listed on eBay by Boxing Day.


According to the survey, tablets are the Nation’s most coveted present this year, whilst clothes, books, jewellery and perfume also make it into Britain’s top five.


Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Brits don’t write a Christmas list but, according to psychologist Simon Moore, finding the perfect present needn’t be a chore. He has the following tips for subtly finding out what your loved ones want so you can surprise them this year:


1.     Listen up – When you’re talking to friends and family, tune in to phrases like "Wouldn't it be nice to have..." or "Aren't those...a great idea?" or even "I am so tired of this old...". By paying attention to clues like these, you can surprise friends and family with gifts that they’ll love.


2.     Play games – Have fun with planning your Christmas shopping by playing the “what would be a perfect gift for…” game. Each person takes a turn being the ‘gift receiver’, and everyone else has to think about what gift he or she would buy that person. You can set a fictional budget or have fun with it by assuming that money is no object; each person has to tell the group what present they would buy and why. The gift receiver then judges all the ideas and picks the best one and explains why it's the winner. It’s a fun way to test how well you know your friends and family – and get some present inspiration at the same time.


3.     Send in the reinforcements – Draft in help from your loved-ones’ friends to find out what they really want. Their friends might have some ideas themselves, or they can be more direct in asking what they would most like to find under the tree without the person you are buying for being any the wiser that the message will get back to you.



Commenting on the research findings, eBay spokesperson Steve Heywood said, “The pressure is on to find the perfect present at Christmas, but most of us don’t know where to start. To avoid falling back on uninspiring choices like socks and ties, it’s important to leave plenty of time to shop around for inspiration and the best deals.


“Having a shortlist of ideas and a budget in mind for each person is the best way to keep your shopping focused. Curated sites like Pinterest and eBay’s Collections can also be a useful source of inspiration if you’re struggling for ideas.”







Notes to Editors


Research findings from a Censuswide survey of 2,000 UK consumers, commissioned by in October 2013.



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