
Top tips for shopping neutral

Think about resale value – it’s a case of spend more to secure more.

  1. Think about resale value – it’s a case of spend more to secure more. Do your homework and research what’s a realistic resale price.
  2. King of the Shopping Neutralers – diversify, you can sell hard drives along with hosepipes without it damaging your reputation. The ability to move fast, spot a trend and milk it marks out the winners from the losers.
  3. Keep a close eye on your figures – If you’re managing your own eBay economy it’s even more important, too many traders don’t know basic maths and this can cost them dearly in the future, don’t be one of them.
  4. Start thinking of yourself as a shop – you’re already a savvy shopper so remember what you want as a buyer. Communicate well, set expectations with regards to delivery times etc, be prepared to deal with any problems quickly and where possible look to beat expectations
  5. Check out the competition – Important to shop around as a buyer and as a seller to look at what your competition do differently and what you would improve. If your competitor’s postage costs are high, undercut them.
  6. Make the most of your shop window so you sell more to buy more – clear photos, detailed descriptions and complete transparency on any faults are the key to a successful sale. Put yourself in your buyer’s shoes and make sure there are no surprises in store.
  7. Learn a bit of everything – being Shopping Neutral means you need to master a whole load of skills from basic accounting to marketing. Keep one eye on the clock and use your time well. For example, most buyers are trawling eBay for bargains on a Sunday night – that’s when you need to be listing.