Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro With PayPal

eBay Inc. Staff

He’s tackled Argentina’s Mount Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America, and raised money for Argentinian literacy nonprofit Fundación Leer. Now, PayPal’s Francesco Rovetta has set his sights on another peak: Mount Kilimanjaro. Starting on June 2, Rovetta will scale Africa’s highest peak — only this time, he’s not going alone. The engineer is gathering a group of tech thought leaders from Silicon Valley, Europe and Asia to swap ideas, test technology and raise funds for a local nonprofit as they climb.

The seven intrepid hikers of KiliTechTrek, as Rovetta has named his adventure, come from Amazon, Accenture, eBay and various start-ups. They’ll focus on the use of PayPal technology as they scale Kilimanjaro, bringing mobile phones with the PayPal app and a PayPal Here device to collect donations from other travelers and check the status of payments.

“We will climb the highest mountain in Africa for a great charitable cause, while using the greatest technology on the way,” Rovetta said.

The donations benefit Amani Children’s Home, a nonprofit organization in Tanzania that provides street children with a nurturing place to heal, grow and learn. In 2012, Rovetta referred Amani for a grant through the employee-led GIVE Team grant recommendation process. The Bay Area GIVE Team awarded the Amani Home a grant of $3,000 to set up a psycho-social counseling service, to complement its current efforts in social work and education.

Photo: Hikers on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Credit: istockphoto