eBay Brings EU Small Businesses and Policy Makers Together

eBay News Team

Small business owners from Europe shared their views on a European Digital Single Market at the two-day event.

Last week, nine small businesses which sell online - and leverage the eBay marketplace to reach customers worldwide - descended on Brussels for a two day event to discuss how the European Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy (DSM) could benefit European Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). 

One of the event’s highlights was the release of a new eBay report, which found that - during a time when Europe’s economy was still recovering - European SMEs which sell on eBay grew faster than their offline counterparts. The report makes policy recommendations to ensure the DSM is a success. Sellers from countries included in the report, such as the United Kingdom and Estonia, shared first-hand their views on important business and policy issues impacting SMEs across Europe. Their attendance brought eBay’s research to life for European policymakers.

At the event, Digital Economy and Society Commissioner Oettinger, Members of the European Parliament Andreas Schwab, Catherine Stihler, Vicky Ford, Roza Thun and many other leading digital policy makers from the European Parliament and the European Commission had the opportunity to hear directly from individuals who would be touched by these policy decisions. The SMEs in attendance met with these and other members of the Parliament and the Commission during a Digital Single Market conference, a European Parliament roundtable lunch and individual meetings, jointly organized by eBay, the European Small Business Alliance, and Choice in e-Commerce.

During the conference, eBay heard remarks by Georges Friden, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Luxembourg EU Presidency and other experts, including cabinet members Jasmin Battista, Member of Parliament Alessia Mosca and European Commission Director for Modernization of the Single Market, Claire Bury.

"For the first time eBay and ESBA have come together to work on the Digital Single Market for Small Business. This is an important step forward to open up and unburden online markets for small businesses, whether trading globally or in the EU. It is crucial to give small businesses this platform to tell their story to the EU to ensure the "think small first" principle is listened to," explained David Caro, President of the European Small Business Alliance.

Marie Huber, eBay’s Senior Vice President and General Counsel, and Paul Todd, Senior Vice President of eBay Europe joined the small businesses in their advocacy efforts.

eBay sellers attended our inaugural Seller Advisory Forum, a European-wide group that gives European eBay sellers the opportunity to interact with senior eBay leaders, and help shape the company’s policy and communication activity so that it supports their business aims.

The event concluded with a cocktail reception inside the European Parliament hosted by Member of Parliament Kaja Kallas of Estonia and keynoted by Fabrice Comptour, Deputy Head of Cabinet for Commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska.

The event was described by participants as an insightful and a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussions surrounding the Digital Single Market Strategy.