eBay Inc. CFO Bob Swan Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

eBay Inc. Staff

“I’m not sure I’m old enough,” he joked at the awards dinner podium.

That’s our CFO. eBay Inc. Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Bob Swan has been honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award in the Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards, produced in partnership with San Francisco Business Times.

Swan attended the ninth annual awards dinner last week, where winning CFOs were honored in six categories. 

Eight previous CFO of the Year award winners also attended the dinner.

This year’s event raised over $467,000 for Larkin Street Youth Services, which helps get homeless young people off the streets.

“I was honored, humbled and surprised to learn I was to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award, Swan said. “However when I came here tonight and saw the Hall of Fame of past CFO honorees, and heard the stories of other honorees here tonight, I was more humbled than ever before.”

“When I reflect on how I came to be here tonight,” he added, “it boils down to being blessed with unique opportunities and those around me in my career.  At eBay I have a set of peers that make me better, that make the world better.”

The other 2014 CFO of the Year award winners included Deepak Ahuja from Tesla Motors and Garfield Byrd from the Wikimedia Foundation.

"I'm not sure…whether I'm old enough to get a lifetime achievement award," Swan joked at the podium, as reported by San Francisco Business Times. “I have the best job on the planet.”