eBay Inc. France: A 'Great Place to Work'

eBay Inc. Staff

eBay Inc. France has been selected as one of the Best Workplaces 2013, based on employee feedback compiled by the Great Place to Work Institute.

A total of 158 companies took part in the survey. At eBay Inc., 91 percent of employees rated the company as excellent at well-being and work-life balance – 17 points above the average of the top 49 companies in the study.

François Coumau, general director of eBay France, attended the award ceremony this week and said:  “The team in Paris never ceases to impress me. Despite very tough competition, the team shows an incomparable level of engagement and creativity to get things done for our customers.”

The high lifestyle ratings emphasize how important mobility and flexibility are to employees, he said.

“We trust employees to get the job done in ways that work for them. Productive, effective teams need to know each other and trust each other — but they don’t always need to sit next to each other. We want to give our employees choice, and measure them not on where the work gets done, but on how they get their work done [behaviors] and what they accomplish [performance and outcomes].”

Gimena Diaz, Country Manager, PayPal France, added: “Our employees prize diversity, as well as flexibility. Our Paris office is 50 percent women, and an environment that encourages and supports development for all.

“This is not about marketing a company as a great place to work. The fact eBay Inc. made it to this level is due to the great feedback from our employees, which makes this an even sweeter success!

To arrive at these results, the Great Place to Work ran a culture assessment to analyze the inventory of policies, practices, programs and day-to-day management behaviors that form the foundation of eBay France’s workplace culture. The company’s responses were rated for variety, originality, all-inclusiveness, human touch and integration. They were combined with scores from the Trust Index Employee Survey to form the complete assessment of eBay France’s organizational culture.