eBay Inc. Partners With Collegefeed, Helping Students

eBay Inc. Staff

Three students from the University of California, Berkeley, visited eBay Inc.’s San Jose South campus recently to receive an award from Collegefeed, a startup that aims to help students and recent graduates kick-start their careers.

eBay Inc., a Collegefeed partner, hosted the students — Anand Sampat, Pei Lin and Daniel Koohmarey — and handed out their checks for $1500 each in a ceremony on campus.

“We were thrilled to host the students and recognize them for their accomplishments,” said Jen Lamorena, head of Community & Learning for eBay Inc’s University Programs team. “Identifying top talent, and setting them up for successful careers, is our key focus – and partnering with innovative companies like Collegefeed helps give us a competitive edge.”

The Collegefeed website was profiled in a recent TechCrunch article, which described it as “offering a social platform for students to connect with each other and employers long before the career fairs and short interviews begin.”

As Collegefeed founder and CEO Sanjeev Agrawal said, his company and eBay “both view this early career marketplace as one that can be improved vastly, and that meeting of the minds is how this all got started. It’s fascinating to work with you guys.”

The students all said they enjoyed their visit to eBay’s original campus. Anand, a recent graduate from the master’s program in materials science and engineering, commented that “you really have an open space and it looks like it fosters creativity.”

“This is my first visit ever to a huge company. It’s amazing and I really want to work here!” said Pei, a freshman from Taiwan studying business.