Last week, the eBay Salt Lake City Green Team had the chance to celebrate Earth Fest, the city’s one and only Earth Day festival. The 6-hour event was filled with food, drinks, music and an eBay-sponsored “green” carpet where people showed off their green resolutions for the year. The headlining band of this year’s festival was Train; so needless to say, it was a packed house and one could argue who had the bigger draw: Train or the Green Team booth…
A total of 12 Green Team volunteers staffed the booth throughout the night and had fun interacting with the crowd, drawing people over to our green carpet for a photo op and to share their “green resolution” for 2010. Of course, a lot of the resolutions where more obvious, like committing to “recycle more,” but many people also got much more creative. People seemed particularly interested in lowering their heating bills by “cuddling more.” (I’m sure the aforementioned organic beer helped that a bit.)
After their photo op, everyone got an eBay Green Team card with the team’s Facebook info so they could find their photos the following week. The card also served as a coupon to plant a tree via Seed the Future, who gives people the chance to choose from one of 16 active reforestation projects the organization operates around the world to have their tree planted. And, in an effort to have zero waste coming from the Green Team booth, the card itself was printed on 100% post-consumer junk mail, infused with wildflower seeds. Redeem your coupon, pop it in the ground and voila…you’ve got flowers!!
Be sure to check our Facebook page or click on the Flickr images below to see all the photos from the event. Plus, stay tuned for even more awesome Green Team events coming out of Salt Lake, such as the annual Live Green Festival and Salt Lake’s Bike to Work Week.