Infographic: New Era of Mobile Shopping in Australia

eBay Inc. Staff

It’s been five years since Apple launched its App Store – that’s five years of shopping via eBay mobile apps. To mark the occasion, eBay Australia released a report, “The New Era of Mobile Shopping,” which shines a light on eBay’s leadership position in mobile commerce and the changes the business has witnessed (and helped shape) in consumer behavior as a result. Globally, eBay predicts $20 billion worth of transactions will take place via the eBay app in 2013.

Australia provides interesting context for the report, as Aussies have been fast to adopt mobile shopping and spend more as a percentage of sales on their mobile devices than residents of any other eBay market. The report shows that mobile purchasing inspiration strikes Australians in some unusual places – while watching a movie, during a meeting, even in the bathroom! More fun facts from the report are in this infographic.