Personalize Holiday Shopping with eBay’s Latest Mobile Updates

eBay News Team

The updated app makes eBay the primary destination for shopping this holiday season.

With the holidays quickly approaching, many of us are on the go and taking advantage of our mobile devices to search, browse and shop. Just in time, eBay’s mobile app updates have made it one of the most useful and flexible shopping experiences right at your fingertips. The new eBay updates for iOS and Android include a new browse and comparison shopping experience that personalizes the app, enabling you to find that perfect product for everyone this holiday season. Buyers can enjoy deals every day on eBay, with the holiday season bringing thousands of exclusive deals highlighted right on your mobile device so you don’t miss them.


You can download the app now, and take advantage of its unique approach to personalizing your browsing and shopping experiences.


In addition to new authentication and security features, the app features tremendously powerful browse and comparison experiences made possible by eBay’s structured data initiative. Structured data is part of “an ambitious, multi-year evolution of our shopping platform at eBay that aims to deliver relevant, persistent and personalized experiences for consumers,” noted eBay CTO Steve Fisher in a recent blog post. By leveraging machine learning and other technologies, eBay’s updated app offers greater contextual understanding of shoppers’ needs and intent.


“With the holiday season upon us, shoppers are on the go and need to be able to find the gifts they want quickly and easily, while also getting a great deal,” said Mohan Patt, VP of Shopping Experience. “With our new eBay app, shoppers can easily navigate our vast inventory and discover great deals and best selling products that match their interests. The new product pages offers a powerful comparison shopping experience highlighting multiple choices, product reviews and content, which will certainly help shoppers find that perfect gift.”


Here is just a sampling of the new shopping experiences made available:


  • Browse Experience: Tapping “categories” from, the iOS header or Android homepage will take you to Browse pages with relevant and engaging content at any category level.


  • Product Based Shopping Experience: The most popular categories display the category’s best selling products. New product pages help users choose from eBay’s diverse choice of inventory, everything from the latest model right off the shelf to previous generations.


  • Personalized content on the home screen: The eBay app now helps you pick up where you left off directly on the home screen. Browse deals and best selling products based on your recent activity.


  • Ratings and Reviews: Want an unbiased opinion about the product that you are looking to buying? Check out the user reviews that are straight from the eBay community to make sure the item is perfect for you.

 fourxWith the new update, users are presented with the best finds for any category. Now, you can see rich collections of inventory showing eBay’s wide variety of buying choices, showcasing our unique, alternative inventory along with what’s popular in a category, surfacing the best of eBay.


We encourage you to test this new, personalized shopping experience now. "The Gift They're Waiting for is Waiting on eBay."


Download our updated app today, and watch the following video featuring our mobile app.