President and CEO Devin Wenig Profiled in Bloomberg News Story

eBay News Team

Learn about our CEO’s background, his journey to eBay, and his ambitions for the company’s future success.

Bloomberg this morning published a feature story about our CEO and his vision for the evolution at eBay. 

The story describes Devin’s career arc, his arrival at eBay, and his strategy and ambitions for the future of the business.

Identifying elements like virtual reality and the continued development of eBay’s artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities, the article explores what Devin believes will carry eBay into the new frontier of the ecommerce landscape.

Written by Spencer Soper, the story includes testimony from leading tech influencers and thought leaders such as Marc Andreessen, who is quoted in the article as saying: “There are a lot of startups in the Valley that never make a difference in people’s lives. eBay is one of the small number of companies that has.”

Click here to read the full article: