
eBay reveals Birmingham's spending habits...and its fondness for fashion and fitness

Now celebrating its 21st year, eBay has unveiled the spending habits of Birmingham residents with new shopping data launched this week. With sales of handbags and lycra soaring, the latest data from the online marketplace shows that fitness is having a major moment in fashion.

Shoe and bag mad Brummies will always step out in style, with a whopping 97,400 shoes and handbags sold every year, whilst activewear purchases are also on the up, as we hurtle towards summer dressing. 

Having the right workout gear has become as important as training itself, however many Birmingham shoppers are choosing to keep their exercise under wraps at home with sales of fitness DVDs hitting over 129,400 annually.

Elsewhere in the Midlands, the fitness trend is alive and well with Coventry snapping up skin-tight running leggings, while those in Leicester are getting in shape outdoors, with sales of trainers performing well. Other popular items include juicers, smoothie makers and resistance bands. Currently, on the online marketplace, there are over 18,000 listings for boxing gloves alone.

Each month an astonishing 2.5 million shoppers from across the Midlands head to eBay. In Birmingham alone, customers are purchasing over 1,200 items every hour while the city’s monthly eBay visitors could fill the NEC Arena 40 times over.

Overall, Sunday is the most popular day for savvy Brummie shoppers to fill their virtual shopping baskets. Before most Brits are awake, keen locals are already shopping with over 24,400 visiting eBay between 05.00 and 06.00 every Sunday morning. Shoppers are also looking for a distraction from their family lunch, discreetly shopping via mobile whilst tucking into their Sunday roasts – with 18,500 visits between 12.00 and 13.00 each weekend.

Across the board, televisions, tablets, footballs and scooters are also hugely popular on the shopping destination. With a wide selection of these brand-new items available to buy now, head to eBay to find exactly what you need… and everything else.

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