eBay Inc. Tops Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index

eBay Inc. Staff

For the seventh year in a row, eBay Inc. is thrilled to announce another 100 percent ranking on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a national report on corporate policies and practices related to workplace equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people.

This year, the 2015 CEI rated 971 businesses in the report, which evaluates LGBT-related policies and practices including non-discrimination workplace protections, domestic partner benefits, transgender-inclusive health care benefits, competency programs, and public engagement with the LGBT community.

As in past years, our submission drew strength from our progressive equal opportunity employment policy and forward-thinking benefits practices for same-sex couples and transgendered employees.

This year, our submission to the CEI was contributed to by many of our external advocacy, philanthropic, and recruiting efforts. Specifically, in the Spring, we joined an Arizona coalition led by HRC and others in opposing SB 1062, the so-called ‘Religious Freedom Restoration Act.’ eBay government relations specifically met with the AZ Governor’s office in requesting a veto of the measure.

"In order to achieve a perfect score, a company has to show a deep and serious commitment to treating their LGBT employees fairly and equally on the job,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. We also look at whether a company is speaking out in the public square to advocate for LGBT equality here in this country and around the world. eBay Inc. not only meets these standards, it goes above and beyond the call of duty, making commitment to equality a fundamental aspect of its corporate values."

For more information on the 2015 Corporate Equality Index, or to download a free copy of the report, visit http://www.hrc.org/cei