
eBay and ITC join forces to connect small firms in developing countries to digital marketplace

eBay e l’International Trade Centre (ITC), agenzia dell’ONU e dell’OMC con il mandato di sostenere le Piccole e Medie Imprese nelle economie in via di sviluppo, annunciano una partnership per aiutare le PMI dei Paesi in via di sviluppo a entrare nel mondo del commercio elettronico.

L’accordo è stato siglato da Eben Sermon, Vice Presidente eBay per Greater Europe, e Arancha González, Executive Director di ITC, durante il meeting annuale del Joint Advisory Group di ITC a Ginevra.

Grazie a questa partnership, le PMI che già usufruiscono del programma e-Solutions di ITC, un programma di training e consulenza per vendere in tutto il mondo, avranno accesso a training dedicati da parte di eBay e potranno aprire sul marketplace online un “anchor store” (l’equivalente dell’italiano “negozio premium plus”) che garantirà loro maggiore visibilità presso gli oltre 162 milioni di utenti attivi della piattaforma.


Collaborare con l’ITC permette a eBay di entrare in contatto con quelle aziende dei paesi in via di sviluppo che al momento sono assenti dal mondo dell’eCommerce. Si tratta di un modello per il ‘connected commerce’ che può contribuire a una migliore crescita economica e del commercio laddove è più necessaria, e aprirà un mondo di nuovi prodotti per i nostri acquirenti in tutto il mondo” ha dichiarato Eben Sermon.




eBay and ITC join forces to connect small firms in developing countries to digital marketplace


(Geneva) – The International Trade Centre (ITC) and eBay today announced the formation of a new partnership that will boost the capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries and least developed countries (LDCs) to participate in global digital commerce. Eben Sermon, eBay Vice President for Greater Europe, and ITC Executive Director Arancha González announced the new collaboration at the annual meeting of ITC’s Joint Advisory Group, held in Geneva on 4 July 2016.

Created in 1995, eBay’s mission remains the same: provide the best platform to allow trade between buyers and sellers around the world. With more than 162 million active users globally, and 900 million product listings, eBay’s marketplace provides a perfect match for export-ready companies supported by ITC’s e-Solutions programme. The programme provides training and advisory services to SMEs in developing countries to help them overcome barriers to trade and trade digitally.

Partnering with eBay will allow ITC to scale up its e-Solutions programme. eBay will make available so-called ‘anchor stores’ for enterprises supported by ITC, an enhanced vendor account which provides greater online visibility for these companies’ offerings and the opportunity to reach more clients.

SMEs participating in ITC’s e-Solutions programme will gain access to eBay’s network of fulfilment centres, opening up for more cost-effective logistics operations. The companies will be given the opportunity to benefit from eBay’s cutting-edge e-commerce research, allowing them to leverage this knowledge and better position their offerings in selected target markets.

‘Partnering with eBay is an important step in scaling up ITC's e-Solutions programme and will help us to continue to bring SMEs onto the digital highway,’ Ms. González said. ‘Together we will collaborate to provide tools and platforms to SMEs throughout the developing world to help them take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital economy.’

Mr. Sermon said: ‘Collaborating with ITC allows eBay to connect with enterprises in developing countries that are currently absent from the world of e-commerce. It is a model for connected commerce that can contribute to better trade and economic growth where it is most needed, and it will open up a world of new products for our customers across the world.’

As part of the collaboration, eBay will also provide training to complement that offered by ITC on issues related to e-commerce to allow companies to optimize their product listings, learn best practices in online promotion, and improve skills in analytics and inventory management.

Kick-starting the partnership, ITC and eBay in collaboration with DHL has organized an e-Commerce Caravan that is currently touring Switzerland. Between 30 June and 5 July in Geneva, entrepreneurs from Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Syria are showcasing products that sold online. On 6-7 July the e-Commerce Caravan will be at eBay’s headquarters in Zurich.

Learn more about the e-Commerce Caravan.


About eBay Inc. (NASDAQ: EBAY)

eBay Inc. is a global commerce leader including the eBay, StubHub and eBay Classifieds platforms. Collectively, we connect millions of buyers and sellers around the world, empowering people and creating opportunity through Connected Commerce. Founded in 1995 in San Jose, Calif., eBay is one of the world’s largest and most vibrant marketplaces for discovering great value and unique selection. In 2014, eBay enabled US$ 82 billion of gross merchandise volume. For more information about the company and its global portfolio of online brands, visit

About ITC

ITC is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations. ITC assists small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing and transition economies to become more competitive in global markets, thereby contributing to sustainable economic development within the frameworks of the Aid-for-Trade agenda and the United Nations’ Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Follow ITC on Twitter: @ITCnews