How You Can Give On #GivingTuesday

Jennifer Lowe, eBay News Team

eBay has a long history of giving; it’s in our DNA. Our community of buyers and sellers have raised over $600 million for charity on the eBay platform.

Today is #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. As we join forces for good, here are 3 ways you can use eBay to give to the causes you care about the most:

  • Add your favorite charity to your eBay account and be entered to win prizes! This year from November 2 through December 27, eBay for Charity is running a sweepstakes to encourage customers to select a favorite charity on eBay. Non-profits that get the most new favorites will win up to $25,000, while consumers will be eligible to win a $250 eBay gift card each week or a $2,500 grand prize. Go to to add your favorite today!


  • Do your shopping and benefit a charity. Shopping for charity isn’t reserved for high-profile initiatives. You can make a difference by shopping ­on
  •  Spread the word. Encourage your friends and family to add their favorite charities to their accounts.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing more about how buyers, sellers, eBay employees, and celebrities use and work with eBay to give to the causes they care about. Stay tuned!